
A task that copies the files for the resource-paths to the target-path, applying stencil to each file allowing the files to be updated as they are copied. ## Usage ### Copy Execute the plugin to copy the files. lein resource ### Clean Remove the files created by the plugin. lein resource clean ### Pretty Print Dump the map of values sent to stencil. lein resource pprint ## Configuration To configure the plugin,add to the project.clj: ### Sample Configuration :resource { ;; required or will do nothing :resource-paths ["src-resource"] OR :resource-paths [ ["src-resource" { :includes [] ;; list of regex :excludes [] ;; list of regex :target-path "" ;; directory to store files }]] ;; optional default to the global one :target-path "target/html" ;; When true, only copy files where src is ;; newer than default :update false ;; optional - this is the default :includes [ #".*" ] ;; optional - default is no excludes ;; which is en empty vector :excludes [ #".*~" ] ;; optioan - list of regex of files to skip stencil :skip-stencil [ ] ;; optional - if true, do not echo progress to the screen :silent false ;; optional - if true, echo lots of debug info :verbose false ;; optional - default to nil :extra-values { :year ~(.get (java.util.GregorianCalendar.) (java.util.Calendar/YEAR)) } ## Links ### Marginalia [Marginalia](http://gdeer81.github.io/marginalia) [Markdown](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax) [MathJax](http://www.mathjax.org/) ### test.check [test.check](https://github.com/clojure/test.check)


[lein-resource "14.10.1"]

Clojure CLI/deps.edn

lein-resource/lein-resource {:mvn/version "14.10.1"}



