
Avoid the hassle of restructuring comments into functions. Testify turns selected comments into automatically evaluated scripts, while remaining as comments embedded within the code. Evaluate these comments directly from within a test, or in any other way preferred. Rename the (comment) to (test-comment) and evaluate with (eval-in-ns 'your-namespace). Testify will find the test-comment and evaluate its content for you. The test-comment is an empty macro ignoring its body, just like comment, that Testify recognizes. Testify can easily be told to evaluate content of any other top level form, while test-comment is a default. Testify use levels of isolation. While eval-in-ns evaluates expressions in its namespace, like when evaluating comments manually, its sibling eval-as-use evaluates from within a temporary namespace, preventing pollution. This is more suitable for repeatable tests. Testify reads source code, and keeps track of where it is. Code should be highlighted when a test assertion fails, even though the assertion is in a comment. Testify is not a testing framework, but rather a pun on: to witness, reveal comment, display it in the repl.


[org.clojars.vstein/testify "0.4.0"]

Clojure CLI/deps.edn

org.clojars.vstein/testify {:mvn/version "0.4.0"}





Note: this artifact is a non-canonical fork. See the wiki for more details.