All projects
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
Displaying projects 2461 - 2480 of 31527
FIXME: write description
cmdrdats 2012-10-17 | Functions to encode and decode base64 strings.
remvee 2018-02-24 | Simple library to interact with the Base CRM API.
ryanbertrand 2016-04-16 | A very simple wrapper around the org.mindrot.jbcrypt library.
robear 2016-08-16 | A clojure formatter written in Clojure
comamitc 2015-03-06 | A Clojure library for BitTorrent bencoding.
cantido 2017-11-12 | Google's Bigquery connector for clojure
appsflyer 2013-05-17 | Library for the manipulation of biological sequences.
s312569 2016-02-14 | Bitfields access in Clojure.
nathell 2011-04-16 | A client for Bitstamp API based on core.async
druids 2018-06-01 | Parser for BLAST output in XML format.
s312569 2017-04-16 | Clojure implementation of the blekko API
shriphani 2014-02-18 | Clojure library for interacting with Galaxy, CloudMan, and BioCloudCentral, built on blend4j
chapmanb 2012-10-15 | a web framework inspired by Weblocks
arohner 2011-04-23 | A Clojure library for the Google Blogger REST API
oubiwann 2019-02-05 | Simple Clojure wrapper around the Bloomberg Java API
alex314159 2022-05-10 | Wrapper for the TinkerPop Blueprints API for Graph DBMSs. It supports version 1.1 of the Blueprints API.
eduardoejp 2012-02-25 | BOM (Byte-Order-Mark) reader/writer for Clojure
jimpil 2017-11-20 | Create BoneCP JDBC connection pools from URLs
valpackett 2023-05-03 | A client library for for bookmarking services such as
[]( or [Pinboard](
It provides both annonymous and named access. In the former case the APIs
do not allow as many features as in the latter one.
jgre 2011-01-09 |