All projects
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
Displaying projects 601 - 620 of 31518
No description given
sundbry 2018-05-08 | Clojurified Apache Curator
sundbry 2019-04-23 | Executes the given lein task on all checkout dependencies of the current project.
sundbry 2020-09-15 | Fix Log4j2PluginsCache.dat merge issues with uberjars
sundbry 2018-10-08 | Onyx plugin for Amazon Kinesis
sundbry 2019-04-23 | Onyx plugin for Mongo DB
sundbry 2019-05-04 | No description given
sundbry 2020-02-01 | No description given
sundbry 2019-04-23 | No description given
sundbry 2019-04-23 | No description given
sundbry 2019-08-08 | No description given
sundbry 2018-08-23 | No description given
sundbry 2019-07-15 | Clojure wrapper for Tinkerpop Blueprints
ebaxt 2017-03-30 | Minimalistic fully featured well documented Clojure Elasticsearch client
ebaxt 2017-03-15 | Clojure dialect of the Gremlin graph processing language
ebaxt 2017-03-30 | FIXME: write description
nakkaya 2013-03-29 | Clojure Control for the AR Drone
wiseman 2013-11-21 | A collection of utilities for use with ArduPilot or similair autopilots
wickedshell 2019-05-05 | Clojure rule engine
jjaxn 2018-12-28 | JSON API implementation for Clojure
stephenmuss 2016-03-16 |