All projects
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Displaying projects 1661 - 1680 of 31521
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thnetos 2012-12-14 | Some utils for working with cpfs and cnpjs.
madstap 2019-12-10 | A simple schema definition and hash mapper for HBase.
robertrolandorg 2013-01-26 | Implementing car, cdr, cadr, ..., cddddr in Clojure
klutometis 2012-10-10 | A Clojure port of great SQL formatter
caesarhu 2020-12-05 | libsodium for clojure
lvh 2022-09-18 | FIXME: write description
chrisn 2016-11-07 | Clojure component helpers.
grammati 2017-03-24 | FIXME: write this!
theasp 2017-07-17 | Core.async ring handler support for Macchiato
theasp 2018-03-19 | Reagent components for Material Design Lite
theasp 2017-02-26 | dependencies and macros to help bootstrap your clojure application
kitallis 2014-07-31 | A set of trivial text, image and audio bindings for the OpenAI API
inaimathi 2023-06-06 | Kaocha extension to run amperity/greenlight tests
caioaao 2023-04-12 | A task for generating autodoc documentation.
rayne 2010-10-01 | A cake plugin providing a command-line interface to the Github API.
rayne 2010-10-14 | Cake plugin for Marginalia.
fogus 2011-06-28 |