Search for 'neo4j'
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Total results: 43, showing 1 - 24
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
Neocons is a feature rich idiomatic Clojure client for the Neo4J REST API. It also supports Bolt protocol.
Clojure bindings for Neo4j using the Java driver
HugCypher offers a similar experience to the excellent HugSql library but for cypher. As a matter of fact this library copies some very important parts from HugSql. It extends the original hugneo4j by providing support for both neo4j and arcadedb
HugNeo4j offers a similar experience to the excellent HugSql library but for neo4j. As a matter of fact this library copies some very important parts from HugSql
neo4j server invokable from leiningen
This is program which offers basic API for eDocu
Integrant methods for connecting to Neo4j via neo4j-clj
The clojure-neo4j project provides a more lispy interface to Neo4j, a graph-structured on-disk transactional database.
Neo4j core library and client
Neocons is an experimental idiomatic Clojure client for the Neo4J REST API
A Neo4J traversal library, built atop 'borneo' and 'graph-zip'
markov text generation library using neo4j
Appledelhi2 is a natural wrapper for neo4j.
Neocons is a feature rich idiomatic Clojure client for the Neo4J REST API. It also supports Bolt protocol.
Neo4j Bolt driver for JavaScript
Neo4j JDBC Driver
This artifact may shadow a release on Maven Central. You should
search there for a canonical release.
The clojure-neo4j project provides a more lispy interface to Neo4j, a graph-structured on-disk transactional database.