Search for 'artifact-id:clj*'
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Total results: 2624, showing 265 - 288
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
Functions to encode and decode base64 strings.
Create BoneCP JDBC connection pools from URLs
Reads the manifest file if running as ubjerjar
Clojure Client Library for Amazon Product Advertising API
Zendesk REST API client for Clojure
A Clojure library designed to use Netflix/archaius for configuration management.
Clojurescript API for Ethereum Web3 API
An opensource memcached client for clojure wrapping xmemcached
A ClojureScript library for working with JavaScript promises
Machine Learning library for Clojure built around Weka and friends
Clojure implementation of
YAML encoding and decoding for Clojure using SnakeYAML
A Clojure Library for the Sendgrid API v3
Mock responses to clj-http requests.
an async client for NATS, wrapping java-nats
A clojure wrapper around wiremock
Provides access using Clojure of OpenTelemetry SDK configuration using environment variables and system properties
Clojure implementation of Junidecode
Shared Clojure Utils for Cider-CI
Excel bindings for Clojure, based on Apache POI.
ClojureScript console logging macros.
A parser and generator for the SCRIPT standard using JAXB.