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Total results: 4747, showing 289 - 312
A library for diffing, and patching, Clojure(script) data structures
A Leiningen plugin for the Gorilla REPL.
Simpler and more powerful assoc/dissoc/update-in
Chart.js - Simple yet flexible JavaScript charting for designers & developers
A Set of React Components that Implement Google's Material Design
A simple data-driven plotting library for Gorilla REPL.
Timbre appender that logs messages via slf4j forked from
Idiomatic Clojure wrapper for the Java client
A library for rapid application development in Fulcro
Define and resolve application configuration.
An HTML5 saveAs() FileSaver implementation
A library for adding i18n strings and formatting to Fulcro apps
A HugSQL adapter that converts name of SQL columns
Lint datomic-style datalog queries and rules
A clojure wrapper of Keycloak
docopt creates beautiful command-line interfaces - clojure port
Plugin for using Google Artifact Registry in Leiningen.
A library which provides undo/redo facility for re-frame