Search for 'artifact-id:clj*'

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Total results: 2624, showing 313 - 336

Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.

  • Clj-crypto is a wrapper for Bouncy Castle which allows you to easily use cryptography in your clojure app.
  • org.pojagi/clj-yaml 1.1.1-SNAPSHOT

    YAML encoding and decoding for Clojure using SnakeYAML
  • polylith/clj-api 0.2.17-alpha

    Used to access Polylith as a library.

  • A clojure wrapper for jclouds
  • clj-ns-browser 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT

    Smalltalk-like namespace/class/var/function browser for Clojure.

  • clj-net-pcap is a wrapper/adapter/facade (No matter how you want to call it.) around jNetPcap that enables and eases packet capturing and processing with Clojure.

  • A Clojure wrapper for the Java implimentation of google-diff-match-patch by Neil Fraser.

  • password checker library for clojure

  • A library for formatting Clojure code

  • Simplified XPath from Clojure.

  • Clojure IPersistentMap implementation in Redis

  • Finds vulnerabilities in jars on classpaths
  • clj-luhn 0.1.3

    A clojure library to validate credit card numbers using the luhn algorithm

  • Clojure binding for Stripe
  • clj-tcp 1.0.1

    Fast clojure tcp library based on netty

  • A queue which schedules fairly by key.

  • Wrap and indent a paragraph of text. Good for help docs that are a bit like man pages.
  • edocu/clj-edocu-help 0.1.16-SNAPSHOT

    Library with helping functions for clojure in eDocu system
  • edocu/clj-edocu-cache 0.1.15-SNAPSHOT

    Kniznica pre cachovanie veci v Redis
  • clj-jade 0.1.7

    Thin wrapper around jade4j
  • com.deepxg/clj-ml 0.8.8-SNAPSHOT

    Machine Learning library for Clojure built around Weka and friends

  • An emulator of the github api

  • ClojureScript micro-library with an implementation of a type 4, random UUID generator compatible with RFC-4122 and cljs.core/UUID (make-random-uuid), a uuid-string conformance validating predicate (valid-uuid?), and a UUID factory from uuid-string with conformance validation (make-uuid-from).
  • clj-latex 0.1.1

    A library for representing LaTeX code in Clojure