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Total results: 873, showing 337 - 360
A Leiningen newnew template for a basic Leiningen web project
A Leiningen newnew template for a basic Leiningen web project
Default library template description
A Leiningen newnew template for a basic leiningen project with speclj tests
A Leiningen newnew template for a basic Leiningen web project
A Leiningen template for a webservice hosted on AWS Lambda
Cljs quil template with figwheel
Created with lein-create-template
A simple ClojureScript app template using Weasel and Simpleton
Generates a Clojure app with midje and schema
A Leiningen newnew template for a basic Leiningen web project
Smartcard Leiningen template
Created with lein-create-template
Austin ClojureScript template based on Austin sample project.
Clojurescript Node App Leiningen Template
lein template for AWS Lambda Alexa Skill
Leiningen template for creating Electron apps with ClojureScript
Template for Gatling load-testing (sub-)projects
readux starter template for Boot new
Lein template for net.ofnir Clojure projects
A wrapper for the freemarker template engine
Simple / Stripped-down template for Clojure/ClojureScript web apps
A template for new Untangled Projects