Search for 'licenses:mit'
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Total results: 4747, showing 361 - 384
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
Smarter way to reload Clojure code
A Clojure plugin for gradle
A library to allow HTTP calls over a UNIX socket, e.g. for
communicating with Docker.
The JavaScript Datagrid for Enterprise
Handle uncaught exceptions with ease
JSON and JSON SMILE encoding, fast.
The JavaScript Datagrid for Enterprise
Mocking and forking Datomic connections locally.
Fork of vvvvalvalval/datomock
ClojureScript Ring style HTTP server abstraction for Node.js.
Specs, generators, and common utilities for URIs.
Ring Middleware library to add secure headers to a HTTP response
Circuit breaker for Clojure
A Clojure wrapper for the Java MongoDB driver 3.11/4.0+.
Clojure and Thrift working hand in hand.
A lightweight reader for key/certificate files
Crossref Event Data Common
React wrapper around PopperJS
DropzoneJS is a library that provides drag’n’drop file uploads with image previews
Sound and music live programming environment.