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Total results: 7763, showing 409 - 432
Clojure library for load testing stateful apps
Authentication and authorization library for Ring Clojure web apps and services.
Clojure client for DogStatsD, Datadog’s StatsD agent
A small Clojure wrapper around the resilience4j Retry module
De/serialize Clojure data structures with Avro.
Adzerk's boot configurations for Clojure libraries
Clojure TOTP (Time Based One Time Password) library
In which we deal with exceptions the clojure way
Clojure shell execution utilities
A Kafka Serializer/Deserializer supporting Fressian, and an add-on for Franzy, a Clojure Kafka client.
An Aerospike Clojure client.
small, simple clojure wrapper for keyczar
Riemann reporter integration for metrics-clojure
Generate documentation from Clojure source files
Clojure command line parsing library.
A Clojure wrapper for the OFX4J library for parsing OFX documents.
Clojure wrapper for the Saxon XSLT and XQuery processor.
validations for clojure maps
Idiomatic Clojure wrapper for the Java client
Clojure library for sending notifications over GNTP