Search for 'licenses:mit'
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Total results: 4747, showing 409 - 432
A Prometheus client for Clojure.
A Clojure plugin for gradle (common)
scsynth native libs with extras
scsynth native libs with extras
A lightweight PEM reader, retrieving keys as byte arrays.
fuzz testing for alternate data structures
A parser-combinator library in Clojure
clojure sentry client library
Yet another react component for input masking
re-frisk remote debugger server
Infix operators for test assertions
Clojure bindings for
A Clojure plugin for gradle (clojars)
A set of utilities to ease the life of gradle plugin developers
classnames-inspired helper for managing dynamic classes in Reagent and Re-frame apps
React draggable component.
A small Clojure library for expressing LISP expressions as infix rather than prefix notation
Clojure support for Internet email
An implementation of the UUIDs and GUIDs specification in Java. UUIDs are 128 bit long identifiers that are guaranteed to be unique.
This artifact may shadow a release on Maven Central. You should
search there for a canonical release.