Search for 'description:useful'

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Total results: 142, showing 25 - 48

Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.

  • A set of useful print-debugging tools for both Clojure & Clojurescript

  • Useful stuff for Clojure projects
  • ysera 2.0.2

    Useful tools for Clojure/ClojureScript

  • Define types by giving descriptions (perhaps incomplete) of how they're built. " how they're built" means applying arbitrary predicates (especially ones about existence) to parts of structures. The top-level namespaces contain what you need to use the library, including simpler customizations. The .assist namespaces are useful for more in-depth customizations.

  • Useful functions

  • Collection of useful Clojure utilities.

  • Useful tasks for the boot Clojure build tool.

  • Creates an uberwar (standalone war) file that includes AWS .ebextensions, if it exists. Useful for Elastic Beanstalk.

  • useful clojure functions

  • Deploy an uberjar to a maven repository Note that this is moderately unholy, but it is moderately useful for deploying Hadoop jobs.

  • An assortment of useful geographic data, color schemes, &c.

  • Plain but useful language for data
  • degenerate 0.1.14

    Useful generators for test.check
  • clash 1.5.3

    A clojure library that applies customizable structures to text files and quick analysis via filter groups, maps, etc. This is useful for quickly searchin or indexing large text files before spending proportionally more effort on Hadoop or Spark.

  • Snippets of useful code.

  • Clojure useful utils

  • A Clojure library for generation and utilization of UUIDs (Universally Unique Identifiers) as described by RFC-4122. This library extends the standard Java UUID class to provide true v1 (time based) and v3/v5 (namespace based) identifier generation. Additionally, a number of useful supporting utilities are provided to support serialization and manipulation of these UUIDs in a simple, efficient manner.
  • mdl-widgetry 0.2.0-alpha

    A ClojureScript lib for useful MDL widgets and utilities

  • Set of common utilities that are useful throughout Wikia's projects
  • cucl 0.1.12

    Collection of useful Clojure libraries.

  • (From README) The opennlp project is now the home of a set of java-based NLP tools which perform sentence detection, tokenization, pos-tagging, chunking and parsing, named-entity detection, and coreference. These tools are not inheriently useful by themselves, but can be integrated with other software to assist in the processing of text. As such, the intended audience of much of this documentation is software developers who are familar with software development in Java.

  • Mostly useful utility functions.

  • Useful functions, some of which I wish were in the Clojure standard library.

  • A lein template for creating small, useful abstraction libraries