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Total results: 4747, showing 577 - 600
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
Javascript library for
A completely customizable framework for building rich text editors.
An HTML serializer for Slate documents.
A health check library for sync / async health checks.
Boot task to add Chrome DevTool enhancements for CLJS.
dependency injection lib / framework foundation
Frontend micro framework for ClojureScript and Reagent
seeded random number generator for Javascript
A treasure trove of Clojure goodness.
Data transformation library combining higher order functional programming with concepts from term rewriting.
Factory functions around jsonista, mostly for key conversion.
SDK to make Clojure integrations with the Stark Bank API easier.
A Clojure/clojurescript library for templating/emitting SGML (HTML,SVG,XML) fragments.
Managed lifecycle of stateful objects
A modular extension that represents the Ring interface
Implementation of K-Means, QT and Hierarchical clustering algorithms, in Clojure.
Clojure HTTP client for UI automation and testing.
OAuth2 workflow for Friend ( (Bug reports/contributions welcome!)
Simple JSON layout component for Logback Classic, with Clojure and SLF4J 2+ key value attribute support.
Default retriever for payloads
A re-frame counterpart for websocket-layer