Search for 'clojure'

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Total results: 7763, showing 673 - 696

  • Thread-expr provides macros for use within a clojure threaded argument expressions (-> and ->>).

  • A library for storing and querying graph data in a Clojure map
  • frinj 0.2.5

    Practical unit-of-measure calculator DSL for Clojure
  • places 0.2.0

    Clojure interface to Google's Places API
  • ga-clj 0.1.2

    A Clojure library designed to send custom events to Google Analytics.
  • exoscale 0.2.11

    All things Exoscale, in Clojure
  • usps-clj 0.1.0

    Clojure interface to USPS's outdated API.

  • Clojure library for financial calculations

  • Clojure facilities for searching the web.
  • specviz 0.2.4

    Generate Graphviz images from Clojure specs

  • Clojure binding for Stripe

  • Embeds shell script in clojure
  • borkdude/deps.clj

    deps.clj: a Clojure port of the clojure bash script

  • YAML validaton functions for clojure projects

  • Clojure SES client

  • A Clojure wrapper around the Lanterna terminal output library.
  • cljam 0.9.0-SNAPSHOT

    A DNA Sequence Alignment/Map (SAM) library for Clojure

  • Clojure wrapper library for [dnsjava]( Project at [clj-dns on github](

  • A Kafka Clojure Admin client, with support for topic, partition, group, cluster management, and more.

  • A Clojure library designed to help with writing integration tests using clj-webdriver.

  • Compositional and declarative user interface library for Clojure and Clojurescript.

  • Simple Clojure logging facade for logging structured data via SLF4J 2+.

  • Clojure incomplete port of
  • com.taoensso/tempel 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT

    Data security framework for Clojure