Search for 'template'
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Total results: 873, showing 673 - 696
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
Lein new template for reacl projects with figwheel main
A Leiningen 2 template to generate project skeletons using
tools.namespace and a :dev profile with a user.clj file.
clj-new template for Fulcro applications
Run Clojurescript as a native binary
Diplomat architecture-pedestal styled template for leiningen generation
FIXME: generated by the bortexz/deps-lib-template template.
A quick and dirty html5boilerplate template for Clojure
Created with lein-create-template
Leiningen template for generating a clojure app that runs
both locally and on AWS Elastic Beanstalk using docker
Created with lein-create-template
Leiningen template for a Quil starter project.
A integrated UI template for building and designing pages in Clojurescript
Companion logging library for Cyrus Leiningen template.
art-cli aggregates code common to the translation and processing of Ash Ra Template command line parameters into parameters for ART's Clojure API.
Nemesis is a Leinigen template to bootstrap web applications