Search for 'clojure'

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Total results: 7762, showing 49 - 72

Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.

  • reply 0.5.1

    REPL-y: A fitter, happier, more productive REPL for Clojure.

  • Small Clojure Interpreter

  • Simple JSON-Schema validator for Clojure
  • honeysql 1.0.461

    SQL as Clojure data structures.

  • A promise library and concurency toolkit for Clojure and ClojureScript.

  • A Clojure library for scrypt encryption

  • File system utilities for clojure

  • Fork of Sentry clojure client

  • A collection of secure password hashers for Clojure
  • clj-antlr 0.2.14

    Clojure bindings for the ANTLR 4 parser library.

  • Clojure support for Internet email

  • hugsql adapter

  • A Clojure library for embracing SQL

  • The next generation of a new low-level Clojure wrapper for JDBC-based access to databases.
  • cloverage 1.2.4

    Form-level test coverage for clojure.

  • A simple library to read and write CSV files.
  • bultitude 0.2.8

    A library for find Clojure namespaces on the classpath.
  • enlive 1.1.6

    a HTML selector-based (à la CSS) templating and transformation system for Clojure
  • borkdude/sci 0.2.8-SNAPSHOT

    Small Clojure Interpreter
  • stencil 0.5.0

    Mustache in Clojure

  • Clojure client for the Riemann monitoring system
  • clj-yaml 0.4.0

    YAML encoding and decoding for Clojure using SnakeYAML
  • danlentz/clj-uuid 0.2.1-SNAPSHOT

    A Clojure library for generation and utilization of UUIDs (Universally Unique Identifiers) as described by RFC-9562. This library extends the standard Java UUID class to provide true v1, v6, v7 (time based) and v3/v5 (namespace based), and v8 (user customizable) identifier generation. Additionally, a number of useful utilities are provided to support serialization and manipulation of these UUIDs in a simple, efficient manner.

  • A Clojure library designed to provide a collection of helper functions to support Clojure(script) graph parsers using graph syntax.