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Total results: 7763, showing 745 - 768
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
A Jetty ring adapter for enterprise Clojure development.
JUnit wrapper for Clojure test code
Sigel «ᛋ» is a Clojure interface to the XSLT and XPath bits of Saxon.
High performance database connection pool for Clojure
A reactive Clojure dialect for web development that uses a compiler to infer the frontend/backend boundary
Gluing together metrics-clojure and jvm instrumentation.
A simple wrapper for R's ggplot2 in Clojure and Gorilla REPL.
Various things gluing together metrics-clojure and ring.
ClojureCUDA is a Clojure library for parallel computations with Nvidia's CUDA.
A Clojure library designed to transform clojure maps to PostgreSQL hstore objects
Configure a Clojure system with EDN files
Clojure library for JSON Web Token(JWT)
Configure a Clojure system with EDN files
Static Clojure code rewriting
Embedded postgres for clojure
Yet another Railway Oriented Programming in Clojure
A clojure library to interact with gettext and PO/POT files
High-performance event-driven HTTP client/server for Clojure
Counts lines (and nodes) of clojure code
A Jetty ring adapter for enterprise Clojure development.