Search for 'artifact-id:clj*'

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Total results: 2624, showing 889 - 912

Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.

  • Clojure HTTP library using the Apache HttpClient.

  • A hack to get named databases in leveldb

  • Read/Write metadata from image files in Clojure.

  • A library for reading Whisper database files from Clojure.
  • clj-match 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT

    FIXME: write
  • clj-growlnotify 0.1.2-SNAPSHOT

    Clojure interface to the
  • clj-rpe 1.2.0

    Regular path expressions for Java object networks and Clojure structures.

  • clj-simpleflake, distributed time-ordered uncoordinated 64bit Snowflakes IDs

  • a clojure ssh reverse-tunnel tool, using jsch

  • SOAP Client and Server using Apache Axis2.

  • API Library for Havelock Investments
  • cljcolour 1.0.4

    Add some colour to your output

  • Clojure-idiomatic GDAL wrapper

  • OTDR SOR file parser

  • A JSON-RPC server for Clojure, suitable for use with Ring.

  • Toolkit for using the ActiveMQ JMS implementation in Clojure.

  • Clojure ldap client (fork of pauldorman/clj-ldap).
  • clj-datastore 0.3.2-SNAPSHOT

    FIXME: write description
  • cljvk 0.1.4

    Clojure library for VK API interaction

  • Send and receive emails from Clojure.
  • cljs 0.3.0

    An experimental Clojure(ish) to Javascript compiler similar to [clojurescript]( The library also provides several tools to assist you with integrating cljs into your workflow. All this in about 1k lines. Viva Clojure! # Usage Use the `cljs.core/to-js` function to turn a list (representing some code) into javascript, like so: (to-js '((fn [x] (alert x)) "hello world")) -> function(x){alert(x);}("hello world"); (to-js '(-> ($ "<div />") (.css {:backgroundColor "blue" . :border "dashed white 5px"}) -> (function(){var out = $("<div />"); out.css({backgroundColor:"blue",border:"dashed white 5px"}); return out}()) Neat, huh? In addition to the compiler, cljs provides several tools to make working with cljs in the context of a web project easier: 1. []( provides a mechanism for automatic recompilation on source changes. Used by either `lein cljs-watch` or `(use ' (start-watch-project "./project.clj")`. Cljs output is declared in your project.clj file, under the :cljs key. 2. [cljs.stitch](#cljs.stitch) takes care of stitching the collection of source files that make up a library into a coherent javascript file. For more examples, please see the [cljs.test.core](#cljs.test.core) namespace.

  • ClojureScript Wrapper for Kintone JavaScript API