Search for 'clojure'

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Total results: 7763, showing 889 - 912

Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.

  • Gestalt moves configuration parameters such as database connection parameters or SSL keystore locations out of your Clojure code and into a configuration file that lives outside your source tree. Gestalt also lets you specify configuration for different environments (develop, test, staging, production, etcetera).

  • De/serialize Clojure data structures with Avro

  • This project gives a way to use the datadog-apm tracing in clojure

  • A Clojure lightweight thread, asynchronous programming, and actor library

  • A motley assortment of Clojure bits and pieces

  • Apache Commons JDBC connection pool implementation for clojure.jdbc.
  • scad-clj 0.5.3

    OpenSCAD DSL in Clojure

  • YAML encoding and decoding for Clojure using SnakeYAML

  • An in-memory Redis mock for Clojure

  • heroicons for Fulcro and Reagent
  • keypin 0.8.3-beta2

    Key lookup on steroids in Clojure

  • Retrograde is a small Clojure DSL that deals with the problem of accessing information and results from previous iterations during the **lazy** transformation of a sequence or during the **lazy** generation of an infinite sequence.

  • Coercion for Clojure Spec

  • This leiningen plugin helps to work around problems of clojure ahead-of-time compilation, by determining a suitable compilation order via

  • An older client lib for Redis. Use Carmine for new projects.

  • Modern Stripe API client in Clojure

  • nuvla clojure library
  • preflex 0.4.0

    Metrics, Instrumentation and Resilience for Clojure

  • Clojure library to keep you away from bugs with precise schemas (refined types with runtime checks)

  • A light wrapper around Finagle HTTP for Clojure

  • A tiny Clojure wrapper around LatLngToTimezone.
  • wagjo/hier-set 1.2.1-dre

    A Clojure hierarchical set.

  • Clojure core environment and runtime library.

  • A trace-based debugging library for Clojure and ClojureScript