Search for 'ipv4 validation'

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Total results: 152, showing 73 - 96

Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.

  • FIXME: write description

  • Ring middleware for WixApps parameters parsing and validation

  • A minimalist Clojure validation library.
  • mongo-model 0.0.19-SNAPSHOT

    A simple way to create model templates for mongodb for write-time data validation

  • Clojure Diagnostics, Exceptions and Validation - named after Perl's Carp module

  • A library for validation of units in numeric operations with compile-time switching between checked and unchecked operations.

  • Data Validation Toolkit (DVT)

  • Clojure Kafka client with support for Kafka producer, consumer, rebalancing, administration, and validation.

  • The library to generate a map-data for ring-swagger from the validation spec of 'strict' library.
  • vhura 1.0.1

    Wrapper for the Yubikey java validation client

  • ClojureScript micro-library with an implementation of a type 4, random UUID generator compatible with RFC-4122 and cljs.core/UUID (make-random-uuid), a uuid-string conformance validating predicate (valid-uuid?), and a UUID factory from uuid-string with conformance validation (make-uuid-from).
  • proven 0.1.1

    Validation library inspired by jkk/verily but with better support for nested structures

  • A clojure library that unifies property determination into a single interface that supports, but does not require, type checking and validation.

  • ClojureScript micro-library with an implementation of a type 4, random UUID generator compatible with RFC-4122 and cljs.core/UUID (make-random-uuid), a uuid-string conformance validating predicate (valid-uuid?), and a UUID factory from uuid-string with conformance validation (make-uuid-from).

  • A crate to handle configuration, their dependencies, documentation and validation
  • co.arctype/schema 1.2.1-defprotocol

    Clojure(Script) library for declarative data description and validation

  • Clojure(Script) library for declarative data description and validation
  • dvt 1.0.1

    Data Validation Toolkit (DVT)

  • Code to validate given Yle Tunnus token.
  • pure 0.0.1

    A validation and parameter parsing framework
  • pour 0.1.0

    Web form validation library for Clojure

  • A validation and conforming library for nested data structures

  • W3C CSS validation library
  • dspec 0.1.0

    Dynamic data validation using registered component specs