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Total results: 4743, showing 73 - 96
Fakes HTTP requests in http-kit for testing.
Reloaded workflow functions for Integrant
A handy collection of algorithms dealing with fuzzy strings and phonetics.
Become 10x more productive when developing and debugging re-frame applications.
Recompile Java code without restarting the REPL
Spy - a Clojure and ClojureScript library for stubs, spies and mocks
Ring middleware to serve assets from WebJars
Lein plugin to run clojure-lsp features via API.
National Vulnerability Database [] dependency-checker leiningen plugin.
Vanity clojure LOC metrics plugin for leiningen
Display ascii tables for almost any data structure with ease
Gluing together metrics-clojure and jvm instrumentation.
National Vulnerability Database dependency checker
Reusable UI components for Reagent
A re-frame effects handler for listening-for and then post-processing dispatched events.
A re-frame effects handler for coordinating the kind of async control flow which often happens on app startup.
re-frame interceptors for browser local storage
A simple way to handle the menagerie of Java byte representations.
Predictable, primitive math
Fast B-tree based persistent sorted set for Clojure/Script
JavaScript Library for Mobile-Friendly Interactive Maps
An HTTP client for Clojure, wrapping JDK 11's HttpClient.