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Total results: 7763, showing 1033 - 1056
A Clojure library for software license detection.
Timely: A clojure library for defining schedules and running them as an alternative to cron
Peter's Build Resources for Clojure projects.
Makes working with URLs in Clojure a little more pleasant.
A Clojure library designed to let you painfully write easily readable math.
Clojure refactoring for Emacs/nREPL
Very slightly enhanced Clojure records because Russell hates boilerplate.
Useful stuff for Clojure projects
A composable Futures library for Clojure
A lein plugin that daemonizes a clojure process
Clojure client interface for Hashicorp Vault
A micro library that provides a Clojure implementation of the Apache Software Foundation's 3rd Party License Policy (
A generic persistence API for Clojure
Some of the tools you'll ever need to fight crime and write Clojure stuffs
Just common Clojure code that I use across projects
Generate Clojure tests from AsciiDoc and CommonMark doc code blocks
Clojure namespace cloning
A Clojure library for accessing the Salesforce API
Render apache velocity template for ring in clojure.
A Clojure library for the fast processing of XML with VTD-XML.
hazelcast bells and whistles under the clojure belt
Clj-crypto is a wrapper for Bouncy Castle which allows you to easily use cryptography in your clojure app.
Simple benchmarking framework for Clojure