Search for 'artifact-id:clj*'
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Total results: 2624, showing 1057 - 1080
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
Clojure library for loading edn configuration file
Clojure library for the Hazelcast p2p cluster
Clojure Redis client library
Jar that packages up all of the ClojureScript dependencies
clj-try: Try / Error macros
Webmachine clone for clojure
Useful CLI audio tagger utility/library wrap on top of jaudiotagger and claudio library
Emulate common lisps return-from for clojure
Library for making taps easier with Pail.
This is program which offers basic spy log functions
Clojure client library for Square Squash
An idiomatic FileAPI interface for ClojureScript.
A library for formatting Clojure code
Reading and writing comma separated values in Clojure.
A CSS generation library for Clojure (built on gaka)
Infrastructure helpers for AWS, database, etc.
Clojure implementation of Majordomo pattern
SPORE client implementation for the Clojure language
A clojure library for signing and verifying openssl signatures.
A JSR 223 implementation written in Clojure.
Simple Clojure library for using Raspberry Pi GPIO.
clj-chardet is a wrapper for jchardet. It provides a more simple and functional way to use charset detection function.
HDF5 interface for Clojure based on JHDF5