Search for 'artifact-id:clj*'
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Total results: 2625, showing 1105 - 1128
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
Clojure HTTP library using the Apache HttpClient.
Pure Clojure language bindings for the Rackspace Cloud
A Clojure wrapper for ArangoDB
Faster clojure less css compiler.
Idiomatic Clojure wrapper around MapDB
Zipkin tracing instrumentation for Clojure applications.
A clojurescript wrapper for three.js
BrowserChannel server implementation in Clojure, with a ClojureScript wrapper for the BrowserChannel API included in Google Closure.
Collection of ML and it's corresponsing utilities in Clojure
A function like python's yield statement that can push items to a lazy sequence from arbitrary (non-lazy) code.
Simple help macro to regroup contrib functions useful
for interactive development.
Cljan is a pure, state-monadic entity-component system for games.
Clojure Amazon S3 library
an async client for NATS, wrapping java-nats
Clojure PDF library & wrapper for Apache FOP
A date and time library for Clojure, wrapping Joda Time.
Another internationalization library for clojure. clj-internationalization reads a resource bundle and generates functions for each key.
Clj-DBCP is a simple Java-6/Clojure wrapper around the Apache DBCP library
for creating database connection pools and for embedding databases in