Search for 'artifact-id:clj*'
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Total results: 2625, showing 1321 - 1344
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
A library for formatting Clojure code
Clojure library for sandboxed execution
Clojure html/xml parser based on jsoup.
A library for organizing a virtual stack on ClojureScript.
Provides programmatic configuration using Clojure of OpenTelemetry OTLP JSON logging exporter, intended for debugging only
Convenience functions for interacting with AWS API's from closh
JCuda packaged for Clojars
A Clojure library designed to support Sendcloud API.
cljgae-template is a leiningen template for Google App Engine apps Java11/17 Runtimes
Clojure library for working with Tigase XMPP Server
lein-newnew template for web noir + enlive template
A simple drop in calendar for clojurescript applications
Doc and ns-* facilities for ClojureScript
A Clojure wrapper for the ROME feed parsing and manipulation library
A client for Fakturoid API based on clj-http.client
A JavaScript visualization library for HTML and SVG
Clojure-idiomatic GDAL wrapper
Live Reload socket static files
A simple clojure wrapper around kumo for wordcloud generation