Search for 'artifact-id:clj*'
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Total results: 2625, showing 1441 - 1464
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
an idiomatic wrapper for LevelDB
ClojureScript core.async interface to capture audio
simple getopt parser for clojure
A pattern matching library for Clojure
A clojure helper library for webjars
A Clojure library designed to generate meme images.
Yet Another Clojure CSS-Generation Library
Clojure Service Locator library.
YAML encoding and decoding for Clojure using SnakeYAML
An API wrapper for VirusTotal. More info:
clj.jdbc extension for c3p0 (a mature, highly concurrent JDBC
Connection pooling library).
Excel bindings for Clojure, based on Apache POI.
More readable stacktraces in Clojure programs.
Clojure AWS Authentication library.
Clojure ldap client (development fork of alienscience's clj-ldap).
Clojure bindings for Thrust.
A collection of common clojure helper functions
clj-http and ring middlewares for OAuth 2.0
Pushover Message API Clojure wrapper