Search for 'licenses:mit'
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Total results: 4747, showing 1657 - 1680
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
compojure-api with token-based authentication using Buddy.
library of threading macros to handle predicates and exceptions.
Adds support for drawing and editing vectors and markers on Leaflet maps
A leiningen template for deploying a clojurescript app with a figwheel repl to heroku
Boot tasks for running simulation tests.
Simple object pool for Clojure.
Mock out clj-http with style
Tools for making untangled leverage websockets.
ClojureScript wrapper around console logger
Optimized bcrypt in JavaScript with zero dependencies
swagger integration for ronda.
A Leiningen template for specljs
Database for entities defined with workflo/macros
Middleware for debugging Carry applications.
A Clojure abstraction for Thrift
A Clojure-backed Selenium hub replacement
Reagent bindings for Carry.
A lein template for coast
Reusable UI components for Reagent