Search for 'artifact-id:clj*'
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Total results: 2625, showing 1705 - 1728
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
Java Object Layout: Modified Core for use by cljol library
Run all of your ClojureScript tests with one simple command.
Tachyons for Clojure(Script)?
Clojure wrapper to dnsjava
A ClojureScript library for working with JavaScript promises. Fork with resolve warning fix
A low-level implementation of the token bucket algorithm
Excel bindings for Clojure, based on Apache POI.
Hypercomplex algebras in Clojure.
A simple Ajax library for ClojureScript
A ClojureScript wrapper around sync-request. Make synchronous HTTP requests.
PDF generation library (forked from
A tiny library for validating and formatting ISSN codes
clojure wrapper around jdbi
A Clojure HTTP library wrapping the Apache HttpComponents client.
Simple Reagent Input Components
Clojure binding to FoundationDB
A simple drop in calendar for clojurescript applications
Nested data structure querying and updating
MtGox (unofficial) api library
Wrapper for the OrientDB Native APIs. Supporting OrientDB 2.0.4
Excel bindings for Clojure, based on Apache POI.