Search for 'artifact-id:clj*'
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Total results: 2625, showing 1753 - 1776
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
Clojure library for fetching yahoo-finance historical data.
No dependency, specification compliant SSE client in Clojure
Wrapper for Java Lanterna lib
Sound processing library that allows usage of pydub library's functionality in Clojure as well as provides interface for interation between pydub and TarsosDSP libraries
A simple library to post generic deploy instructions to various webservers.
Clojure/Clojurescript library of utility functions common to service and client development
Clojure wrapper for Tesseract OCR
Clojure wrapper for Kafka's Java API
Leiningen template for libraries with better release cycle.
Clj-Liquibase is a simple Clojure wrapper around the Liquibase library
for carrying out relational database migrations.
This library allows parsing of dbase files.
Implementation of XML-RPC in Clojure.
Client for
Javascript library for
Makes it possible to wrap a Cas Client middleware around Ring handlers
General purpose Clojure utilities
Clojure API for Selenium-WebDriver