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Total results: 4748, showing 1801 - 1824
This library contains the data specifications (clojure.spec) for offcourse projects
SDK for building echo apps in Clojure.
A clojurescript re-frame component that renders an interactive week roster.
Growl and libnotify output for Midje
A Leiningen template for λ-blog.
Library wrapping the subjectivity lexicon from
Fast HTML5 Serialization for Clojure
Converts Zipcode to State (US only)
A ClojureScript MVC-like Framework For Writing SPAs Using Reagent.
timeago.js is a simple library (less than 2 kb) that is used to format datetime with *** time ago statement. eg: '3 hours ago'.
Wrapper around the jwat-warc Java Library
Clojure rpc with one line of code
A Clojars plugin for the Gradle build system
Library for encoding and decoding data
Clojure client library for the GoCardless API
A Clojure façade for Coda Hale's metrics library.
Haka SP based authentication and authorization backend for Buddy-Auth library
A Clojure api for interacting with Maven respositories
A wrapper over java.nio's mmap() implementation to ease use, and enable mmap'ing files larger than 2GB.
A simple batch processing facility
Flower integration with Slack
Boot task to execute a shell command, without changing the fileset
makes extracting email attachments simple