Search for 'artifact-id:clj*'
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Total results: 2625, showing 1873 - 1896
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
A Clojure HTTP library similar to clj-http, but more lightweight.
Wrapper around ACINQ/secp256k1-kmp bindings.
Fast JSON encoding and decoding for Clojure via the Jackson library.
Provides access using Clojure to OpenTelemetry extensions for AWS
This is an small Clojure binding for the LinkShare API for affiliate marketing.
Clj-MiscUtil is an assortment of Clojure functions/macros to carry out
miscellaneous common activities.
Clojure library for the Hazelcast p2p cluster
Helper functions to create the most common requests for HTTP client libraries
Provides programmatic configuration using Clojure of OpenTelemetry OTLP HTTP trace exporter
Functionailty for Googles Pub/Sub service.
Clojure natural user interface library.
Clojure bindings for piccolo2d
This is an small Clojure binding for the TheTVDB API for tv shows information.
For more information, please visit this website:
Clojure lib for the Google Shopping API.
preloader for clojurescript
A Clojure HTTP library similar to clj-http, but more lightweight.
A date and time library for Clojure, wrapping Joda Time.
Clojure client for Exceptional
Utility for create interop wrappers in clojure synta style
Minimal, flexible validation library - test objects and collect reasons for rejection