Search for 'licenses:mit'
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Total results: 4750, showing 1873 - 1896
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
Quantum Gate And Measurement Emulator, or qgame. A machine-instruction-level quantum computing simulator. Ported from Lee Spector's QGAME (written in Common Lisp).
Base functionality for Erintie application framework
OAuth2/OpenID Connect Client Library for Clojure.
2D webGL renderer with canvas fallback
Aggregate project for all salutem modules.
Carry middleware for automatic model saving/loading using browser storage.
A modular extension that provides test support
A modular extension that provides a Clostache templater for juxt.modular/template
A leiningen template for discljord projects.
A component to run flyway migrations on system start.
baking-soda-material-ui is an interface between clojurescript's reagent
and material-ui
Comprehensive DSL for document validation.
A jarvis plugin for generating memes
CSS agnostic slider component for React.
Logging middleware for ring handlers using cartus for logging.
Resize image in browser with high quality and high speed
Clojure library to access Evernote API
A component providing a HikariCP JDBC data source.
dependency injection lib / framework foundation
ClojureScript map factory with shape validation using prost and cljs.spec
A plugin for extracting/populating transalations for Untangled