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Total results: 7763, showing 169 - 192
Visual diffing of Clojure data structures
An idiomatic Clojure API for adding telemetry to your libraries and applications using OpenTelemetry
A minimalistic Clojure interface to Apache Tika
Realizing clojure data structures, no more laziness
Flexible retries library for Clojure.
A library for using Clojure specs more like a type system during development.
Generate documentation from Clojure source files
A Clojure library of reducing combinators
Compilation of Clojure functions from around the community
Asynchronous HTTP Client for Clojure
Write Clojure data to and from bytes using Kryo.
A Clojure HTTP library similar to clj-http, but more lightweight.
A framework for configuring, composing, and running Clojure services.
A trace-based debugging library for Clojure and ClojureScript
Clojure environment configuration tracking.
Minimalistic fully featured well documented Clojure Elasticsearch client
Thin Clojure wrapper around Typesafe Config library
A thin veneer over java-dogstatsd-client
A Clojure client for Rollbar
A collection of generally-useful Clojure utility functions
A Clojure library wrapping
Deprecation in Clojure made easy