Search for 'clojure'
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org.clojure artifacts are distributed via Maven Central instead of Clojars.For details on the search query syntax, see the guide.
Total results: 7766, showing 1921 - 1944
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
Generative Expressions (Geex) is a code generation tool for writing high-level Clojure code that generates fast low-level code.
A Telegram Bot Library for Clojure
A utility library to write microservices in clojure.
This artifact may shadow a release on Maven Central. You should
search there for a canonical release.
Clojure library for interacting with flowdock
Clojure Control for the AR Drone
A threaded web-spider written in Clojure
Associative values in Clojure and ClojureScript which
know their context
Clojure binding for Stripe, with http-kit for flavor
An opinionated logging library for Clojure
Clojure wrapper on Apache Commons Net for FTP
A Clojure implementation of the Mozilla Persona API
Simple library for rapid web development with Clojure
A detect encoding utility. juniversalchardet wrapper for Clojure.
GraphQLize is a Clojure library to build production-ready GraphQL APIs instantly from relational databases (Postgres, MySQL).
Write Clojure data to and from bytes using Kryo.
A comprehensive Clojure client for the entire Amazon AWS api. FORKED version of mcohen01/amazonica
A clojure wrapper around java.nio.file package
FontAwesome icons as hiccup for Clojure and ClojureScript
Clojure to Java interop APIs
A Clojure Wrapper to Apache Avro to serialize/deserialize clojure map into avro byte array
Facebook instant articles client in clojure
Clojure GUI library, based on Swing.