Search for 'licenses:mit'
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Total results: 4750, showing 1945 - 1968
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
Async support for the Clojure mesomatic Mesos library
A Kubernetes API client for Clojure.
Funktionen für die Datenextraktion aus Excel-Dateien
Leiningen template to create bare joodo app
Clojure + Precure = Clocure
Boot task to run ClojureScript tests in Node.js, with minimal configuration, proper stacktraces and correct exit code on error or failure
A Clojure library to work with Jasper Reports
Various things gluing together metrics-clojure and ring.
A library for parsing natural language feature creation.
A Clojure library to help with tests involving Kafka.
A keyboard events library for re-frame
A leiningen plugin for interpolating into the project map.
Datetime input widget for react-bootstrap
Clojure library for retrieving data from the CTA API
A Clojure library for the Contentful APIs.
milesian bigbang identity actions
clojureScript library for managing state in reagent-based SPA's. Inspired by Redux
Extras, helpers and convenience methods for clj-wiremock.