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org.clojure artifacts are distributed via Maven Central instead of Clojars.For details on the search query syntax, see the guide.
Total results: 7765, showing 1993 - 2016
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
Clojure meets node: the essentials wrapped in parens.
Integration with Ruby on Rails encoded and signed session cookies
Maven Version Utilities for Clojure
Clojure content negotiation library.
Split testing library for Clojure
clojure.core with added beginner documentation. Based on org.clojars.rmoehn:clojure:1.7.0+003:datadoc.
Clojure wrapper for deeplearning4j intended to make machine learning on the JVM simpler
Seria is a schema-based serialization library for Clojure / ClojureScript.
Marathon Rest Client for Clojure
Telegram Bot API Wrapper for Clojure
Collection of useful Clojure libraries.
Clojure API for Selenium-WebDriver
(System/exit n) for clojure
clj-duedil : a clojure library for the duedil api
Clojure IPersistentMap implementation in Redis
DBUS Type System parser for clojure and java
Tools for Clojure web project
whole-program transformations for clojure
Leiningen plugin for non-AOT Clojure uberjars
A tiny Clojure client for
Etsy API library for Clojure
A Clojure API for FIX communication
Clojure Debugging Toolkit