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Total results: 7765, showing 2041 - 2064
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
Nanomsg library for Java & Clojure
Common utility functions and "extensions" to Clojure.
Clojure interface to the Diffbot API
Gradual typing for Clojure
A ratio grid library for garden css in Clojure.
Clojure wrapper for Netflix Robust Anomaly Detection (RAD) library
A fully-featured symbolic pattern matcher for Clojure.
A Clojure library for talking with SPARQL endpoints
Clojure library for JSON Web Token(JWT)
Clojure wrapper for JTwig
clawss: clojure wrapper for web-service security
Wrapper around the jwat-warc Java Library
Clojure Kafka client with support for Kafka producer, consumer, rebalancing, administration, and validation.
Clojure network/graph library wrapping JUNG
Clojure Amazon EC2 library (forked).
Static Clojure code rewriting
Alternative implementation of jdbc wrapper for clojure.
For this momment, the official wrapper `clojure.jdbc` has very unclear
api and it doing a lot of implicit things such as connection management.
This library intends make more simple and clear api to jdbc than the
official library.
A Clojure façade for Coda Hale's metrics library.
Starter pack for creating basic clojure web app
A clojure data access library for postgresql.
A Clojure interface to the Lucene search engine