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Total results: 7766, showing 2065 - 2088
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
A Clojure based generator for Kibana 4 objects.
Select and rename keys as fast as possible with Clojure.
Clojure specs for ODM data structures.
Useful functions, some of which I wish were in the Clojure standard library.
Clojure Component bundling Stefon, Garden and WebJars functionality.
Provides programmatic configuration using Clojure of OpenTelemetry Prometheus exporter
A composable promise/future library for Clojure.
Survey a clojure project and extract valuable metadata.
A Clojure library providing a set of helper functions for unit testing REST applications.
Clojure Digital Ocean Client
Easy to use Clojure wrappers for Caffeine Caching library
Python's NLTK for Clojure (interop / partial port).
produce human readable strings in clojure
Lein template for clojure web project
Provides programmatic configuration using Clojure of OpenTelemetry logging exporter, intended for debugging only
Library for using SSH from clojure. Non-canonical fork integrating bug fixes that haven't been merged upstream
A powerful Clojure web library, full HTTP, full async
Clojure library for using google AuthSub authentication
Clojure wrapper for Tinkerpop Blueprints
Context.IO API wrapper for Clojure
Some Clojure util functions
Application state management for Clojure
A hopefully simplified static site generator in Clojure.