Search for 'licenses:mit'
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Total results: 4750, showing 2065 - 2088
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
A set of standard check functions for salutem.
only the finest blend of logging for this ox.
Message Digest and Checksum Library for Clojure
A lightweight Clojure implementation of the MessagePack spec.
Clojure implementation of larger than memory K-Means clustering.
Clojure wrapper for Apache Shiro
a framework for asynchronous communication
A datomic peer entity map with assoc-ability, index control, and computed attributes.
A platform detection library
LambdaCD extension which lets you use another service, which provides a REST interface, to persist the state of pipelines
intra- and inter-system messaging for cloxp
A thin veneer over java-dogstatsd-client
Material-table - A simple and powerful Datatable for React based on Material-UI Table with some additional features.
A Clojure library for working with sockets using core.async channels.
Utility modules as a library/service
Schema-vased validations for mongodb
A Leiningen plugin for the PinkGorilla Notebook.
A Duct boundary for sending e-mails
Popmotion React Pose Library for Clojurescript
Simple and efficient HTTP mock server with specification written in `yaml`, `edn` or `OpenAPI`.
A shared bootfile for the plumula projects.