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Total results: 7766, showing 2089 - 2112
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
Clojure dialect of the Gremlin graph processing language
Clojure friendly library for using
Clojure bindings for Asterisk Manager API
A Clojure wrapper for the rest driver library
ANSI style and color codes for Clojure.
A Web development toolkit for Clojure
Clojure client for DogStatsD
Clojure Loggly Appender for Log4j
A simple and lightweight Entity Component System library for writing games with Clojure
Clojure wrapper for AWS X-Ray
Clojure SPARQL: Clojure API for interfacing with a SPARQL Endpoint, based on Apache Jena
Clojure library that shakes your shell
Google Adwords API Library for Clojure
Clojure client for Exceptional
Clojure API for retrieving data from ATP World Tour ( website
paredit in clojure, tailored for clojure
Clanhr clojure skeleton template for Leiningen. Generates a Clojure HTTP REST service in the style of Clanhr
a lens library for clojure
A very opinionated Clojure project template.
Graphite reporter integration for metrics-clojure
Gluing together metrics-clojure and jvm instrumentation.
A d3 tree layout compatible data structure for Clojure using zippers.
A clojure trace library similar to clojure.contrib.trace but adds some flexibility.