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Total results: 4750, showing 2089 - 2112
A simple way to use firebase in Clojure[Script]
A framework for asynchronous communication
Schema validation for via events and subs.
Leiningen plugin/template for generating stand-alone Clojure scripts
A template for an Integrant-based web application
A Clojure library for accessing the OpenCage Geocoding API
Clojure time/calendar library
Async Socket clients that attempt to stay connected to the server forever
clj-http-lite implementation for martian
A Clojure(script) library to convert Tiếng Việt to Tiếq Việt
Dealing with clojure projects and project configurations.
A library for reading Whisper database files from Clojure.
Client IPFS API library with built-in daemon
A clojure interface to the ANU Quantum Random Numbers Server
Async-aware binding & bound-fn.
Type-checked routes for Compojure
Clojurescript library for flexible text rendering on canvas.
Returns change feed for the npm registry
Interface for machine learning modeling, testing and training.
Clojure API for the Parrot AR.Drone 2.0.
By John Wiseman / /