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org.clojure artifacts are distributed via Maven Central instead of Clojars.For details on the search query syntax, see the guide.
Total results: 7766, showing 2113 - 2136
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
Various things gluing together metrics-clojure and ring.
A Clojure library designed to providing the implementation of RabbitMq delayed retry mechanism.
Thoonk client implemented in Clojure
A Leiningen template I use for quickly creating a reloadable, REPL-driven Clojure app.
A hopefully simplified static site generator in Clojure.
XGBoost bindings for clojure
An easy clojure postgres library
Converts Typed Clojure types to Prismatic Schemas for runtime checking
Small data analysis and machine learning framework for Clojure
Loader stub for non-AOT Clojure uberjars
A lein template for creating a new finagle-clojure Thrift project.
Relational algebra compiling down to SQL queries.
Local transient var for clojure.
Clojure library with help fuctions for working with element type
A clojure library for Amazon Cloudwatch
Provides clojure to clojurescript transformation using dalap
A functional Quadtree for spatial mapping and searching in Clojure and Clojurescript.
Simple accounting practice client management website written in Clojure
Fast, simple, reliable. HikariCP is a 'zero-overhead' production ready JDBC connection pool implementation for clojure.jdbc.
A Clojure native library to use the Intercom REST API
Provides Clojure wrappers of OpenTelemetry instrumentation of the JVM runtime for Java 8+
Implementing car, cdr, cadr, ..., cddddr in Clojure
XML Schema Reader for Clojure