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Total results: 873, showing 193 - 216
compojure-api with token-based authentication using Buddy.
A leiningen template for discljord projects.
Sample template for testing purposes
Red Stars Systems library template.
Leiningen template for Node.js-hosted ClojureScript
dependencies and macros to help bootstrap your clojure application
Magic Web framework with Clojure, simple by default
live-static project template for Leiningen
Leiningen template for Flower
Basic template with reagent and ajax calls using transit
A barebones leiningen template for ClojureScript with figwheel-main
Leiningen template for a NoCore Clojure project
Leiningen template to create bare joodo app
lein-template for writing cross platform Om-Next components for the browser and for mobile devices using React Native
Leiningen template for ClojureScript build with lein-cljsbuild
A leiningen template for a Clojure library hosted on
A template to generate a Yo-yo API project
A Leiningen template for projects using Reagent and re-frame.
A project template for flat layout.
atom plugins in clojurescript
Leiningen template for a simple grafter project