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Total results: 7765, showing 2161 - 2184
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
Clojure wrapper for JTwig (Java 6 dependencies)
A Clojure wrapper for ArangoDB
Run command line scripts bundled within your clojure project
A lightweight clojure wrapper around the smack jabber/XMPP library
component configuration for clojure
A detect encoding utility. juniversalchardet wrapper for Clojure.
A Clojure abstraction for Thrift
Clojure web application libraries built on top of Ring
and Compojure.
Nested Sets Model for Clojure and ClojureScript
Use the standard Linux GPIO API from Clojure JVM
Access GenomeSpace data integration platform with simple Clojure API
dependencies and macros to help bootstrap your clojure application
A naive Clojure library that turns XML into maps.
Serializable functions in Clojure
Vindaloo is an authentication library designed to integrate with Clojure applications.
Clojure library for sitemap generation.
Idiomatic Clojure wrapper for the Java Sound API.
Clojure library for representing hypermedia
Clojure Amazon S3 library
A tiny MarkDown parser for Clojure.
Clojure library for interacting with Galaxy, CloudMan, and BioCloudCentral, built on blend4j
A Swing wrapper/DSL for Clojure with virtual dom. You want seesaw.core, FYI. See for more info.
Clojure to Java Interop Bindings for java.util