Search for 'licenses:mit'
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Total results: 4757, showing 2209 - 2232
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
National Vulnerability Database dependency checker
Property-based generattive testing for stateful computations
A simple, order-independent Ring router
A stand-alone working lightweight version of the W3C Custom Elements specification
A simple response unifier
A client for API based on clj-http.client
Database migrations for PostgreSQL using next.jdbc.
A Client for Docker Remote API.
OAuth2 workflow for Friend
An efficient and defensive delimiter-separated-value parser.
Dwolla API wrapper in Clojure
Useful simple tools to be used for pedestal APIs
Because using matrices in Clojure needs to not suck.
Ring middleware for handling JSON, using
Kubernetes Client API Library
Clojure macros for web and mobile development
An a la carte set of polished, extensible, and accessible inputs built for React
Highly customizable React component for inputing tags.
A TDD library for Clojure that supports top-down ('mockish') TDD, encourages readable tests, provides a smooth migration path from clojure.test, balances abstraction and concreteness, and strives for graciousness.
Boot task for resetting component lifecycle in development.