Search for 'artifact-id:clj*'
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Total results: 2625, showing 2257 - 2280
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
YAML encoding and decoding for Clojure using SnakeYAML
Urbit Airlock API client in Clojure.
clojure wrapper for mmseg4j
A Clojure wrapper for the Stockfighter API
Simple Ring middleware to inject configuration structure into the request parameter.
Clojure Amazon S3 library
Simplify usage of native libs from Clojure. Uses JNA.
The clojure HTML compiler
A wrapper around Stanford CoreNLP
Clojure bindings for Chromium Embedded Framework.
Clojure bindings for RocksDB, an embeddable persistent
key-value store for fast storage extending LevelDB.
Wrapper for PouchDB in ClojureScript
Clojure version of Jieba Participle.