All projects
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
Displaying projects 361 - 380 of 31517
A Lein template to build GraphQL services
admay 2017-08-26 | A framework for building web applications with Clojure and Datomic
alwaysbcoding 2015-09-08 | A Clojure framework for building web applications
alwaysbcoding 2015-11-05 | A library for safely handling various kinds of user input.
alxlit 2016-03-26 | A convenient Clojure interface to HBase.
amalloy 2014-12-09 | FIXME: write description
amalloy 2013-05-18 | a compatibility layer for event-driven abstractions
amalloy 2015-09-12 | A MongoDB session store for Ring.
amalloy 2012-04-03 | Persistent bounded-size queue implementation in Clojure
brunobonacci 2019-12-09 | Reliable, high-throughput journalling to S3
amalloy 2016-02-23 | quickcheck generators for producing instances of Thrift schemas
amalloy 2014-10-17 | A collection of handy-dandy tools I've collected as I notice repeated patterns in my Clojure code
amalloy 2011-04-12 | A Clojure library for Google Code Jam.
amanoras 2014-05-15 | Creates a valid URL for fetching product data from the Amazon REST API
paulbowler 2013-10-11 | A comprehensive Clojure client for the entire Amazon AWS api.
mcohen01 2024-06-24 | Like mcohen01/amazonica but modular
lambder 2019-03-12 | ClojureScript REPL into embedded JavaScriptCore.
mfikes 2022-07-29 | A LISP-like config notation
zamdekan 2024-10-09 |