All projects
Note: artifacts in italics are non-canonical forks. See the wiki for more details.
Displaying projects 1501 - 1520 of 31521
No description given
bronsa 2012-04-15 | Colorize console output
bronsa 2013-01-25 | Optimized pattern matching for Clojure
bronsa 2017-07-25 | A Leiningen plugin for launching a Swank server for Slime.
bronsa 2013-03-10 | Traits support to clojure's deftype and defrecord, as a library
bronsa 2013-06-09 | An idiomatic wrapper for OpenGL. Clojure 1.3 version
bronsa 2012-02-25 | Swank server connecting Clojure to Emacs SLIME
bronsa 2013-03-10 | FIXME: write description
bronsa 2017-10-13 | Enum datatype in clojure
bronsa 2013-01-08 | A lambda-kube recipe for installing Netflix Conductor
brosenan 2018-10-01 | The interface definition for an event store for Axiom
brosenan 2018-09-21 | A framework for injecting drivers into JVM-based microservices
brosenan 2018-09-11 | A Clojure library for generating Kubernetes API objects
brosenan 2018-10-09 | An EventStoreService implementation based on an array of MariaDB instances
brosenan 2018-10-01 | InjectTheDriver driver implementations for RabbitMQ
brosenan 2018-09-11 | A helper library for testing Reagent code as pure functions
brosenan 2017-12-13 | FIXME: write description
brosenan 2018-09-06 | A library for JS framework interop
greenyouse 2015-04-29 | A Leiningen template for Browserific ClojureScript apps
greenyouse 2015-04-13 | Finds instances of (js/require 'module') and calls
browserify with -r for each of them.
sundbry 2016-03-01 |